Rejoice In The Storms

When I began writing for this column I knew that some of the topics would be emotionally difficult for me. This journey I am on is full of ups and downs, smiles and tears. The main focal point was going to be on being the parent of a special needs child. That is mostly true,…

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The Final Hurdle – Part 2

The Final Hurdle – Finale!  (continued from last week’s column) “Violet’s Mom!  Violet’s Mom!”  My heart was still racing from the fall when I realized that there was someone yelling in the crowd, “Does anyone know Violet’s Mom?!” Wait.  I do!  That’s me.  “VIOLET”S MOM!  Where IS she?” “I’m right here!  What’s going on?!”  It…

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Faith and Business 101: Meeting Solutions

Multi-Level marketing company consultants, work-from-home businesses with more than one person in it, mom business owners with a Virtual Assistant, and Virtual Assistants all have at least one thing in common. That one thing is that they have to redefine normal meeting scenarios because they operate under a total different structure than a brick office…

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