Top 10 Signs You are Sleep Deprived

If you are a Mom, more than likely, you have experienced sleep deprivation at various times. For me, personally, I am in the midst of one of those seasons and thought it would be fun to do a top 10 post for y’all. Top 10 Signs you are Sleep Deprived 10. You speak in half…

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15 Tips To Staying, Feeling and Looking Younger

Staying, feeling and looking young is one of the many challenges faced by busy moms. In an ever-changing fast pace world, moms are taking on more responsibilities and adding more stress to their lives. Over time, these burdens wreak havoc, slowly deteriorating the body and finally making people older than they look. There are ways…

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Pesky Five Letter Word

Four letter words are foul and ugly. But did you know that there is a five letter word that can be just as bad, if not worse? P R I D E. Yeah, yeah I know. We should all have pride in our work and pride in our children. Those are the good qualities of…

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