God, Not Man

This week I just have to talk about how amazing God is! Some of you may know the story of our little boy Caleb and how each day for us is a step of faith. Although we go through the motions of caring for a disabled child that requires constant care, we never lose faith in the promise that God made us for Caleb’s complete healing. Some days are easier than others, but most days are extremely difficult to get through when faced with medical statistics and doctors’ reports. Just recently we took Caleb for a speech evaluation to determine his swallowing capabilities. Now mind you, we have been watching Caleb swallow for some time now and even give him baby food to eat by mouth sometimes. So we just knew he was going to pass this swallow test with flying colors. And to our amazement, he did absolutely nothing! Nope, not even one tiny little swallow! As a matter of fact, he spit the applesauce back out! The therapist looked at me like I was from another planet. There was no way that this child was doing what I had adamantly told her he could do!

So, we slumped out of the office like defeated little soldiers and headed home, me doubting everything I had seen and heard myself. And once home, Caleb swallowed so loudly I heard it across the room! “Are you kidding me?” I wanted to yell. Why couldn’t he have done that for the therapist?? And again, in this moment of frustration and doubt, I hear that little reminder: “I will heal him in a way that leaves no doubt it was from God and not man”. Right! God still has this under control, not man!

I began to think of all the things that man (meaning medical personnel) cannot explain about Caleb’s condition. For one, Caleb still has muscles in his legs. Most people in this condition lose their muscle mass and range of motion. This little miracle in the making still has both! Of course, they like to contribute this to all of the therapies he is getting from both professionals and us, his parents. The truth is, he only receives therapy once a week and I am very lax on doing range of motion exercises. This is indeed all God’s doing and I give Him all the credit!!

Another thing that baffles them is the fact that he does not have chronic lung infections. Again, this is something that bedfast patients usually suffer with. Considering that he doesn’t swallow (or cough) for them, they cannot figure out how he is keeping his lungs so clear. Again, to God be the Glory!

Caleb has overcame so much to still be with us. He has faced obstacles that should have ended his life. But God is faithful and will do what He promised. As long as we continue to have faith, just as He commanded us to do, we will see this healing miracle! Yes, people think we are crazy for believing that after two and a half years our little boy is going to make an amazing recovery. But we do more than just believe it. We live by that promise.

And he said, The things which are impossible with men are possible with God. – Luke 18:27

Copyright © Robin Pack, Moms of Faith, All Rights Reserved


  1. Dawn on August 7, 2012 at 8:20 am

    Another beautiful article, Robin! You and your family are amazing….and Caleb is a very special gift from God….Anyone who has met him is blessed to know him.

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