Prayer for Mothers with Sons

This is for all the moms out there with one or more sons. Pray it often!

Lord, I thank You for blessing me with sons. I pray that You help me to train them up to be strong men that stand up for righteousness. Help me to teach Him how to be tough–yet tender, firm–yet compassionate, loving–yet never a pushover, honest–yet kind. Lord, I ask that You teach me how to train my boys to be shining lights in this dark world. As they grow up, I pray that You give them strength to resist temptations and the courage to walk away when they need to. I pray that they remain pure until they are married and that You give them a measure of wisdom and discernment when it comes to girls that come into their lives. I pray that You help them to be good fathers to their children and to respect those in authority over them. Lord, I ask that You woo them and draw them close to You at an early age, and where sin may have crept in, I ask that You show them and help them to repent quickly. May they never stray from You, and may they always think twice before they do or speak. Thank You, again, Lord, for the gift of my sons. Help me to be the mother that You created me to be for them, and to teach them by example. Help me to be a good wife, so that I may show them what to look for in their future wives. Help my husband to be the man they need as a father, and help us both to never give up just because we make a mistake. Thank You for Your abundant grace and Mercy–it is more than sufficient. I love You, Lord. In Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.


  1. jackie gambrell on October 8, 2012 at 2:07 pm

    I really love it i am going rewrite on paper and post it on my son’s wall and pray it with him each and everyday thanks MOM OF FAITH !!!!!

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