Fight the Holiday Fat and Start the New Year Off with a Flab Fighting Bang!

Ever since I became a mother, the scale has become my nemesis. The sad truth is: it is far easier to gain weight than it is to lose it! Losing weight can be very difficult. However, thankfully, not impossible! I started my weightloss, well, serious weightloss journey a few years ago. I dug in deep and lost 50 pounds. I was so happy. I still had 20 pounds to reach my goal, and sadly, fell off track; gained 25 back and then had to reevaluate my goals and priorities. I am happy to say that I am BACK on track and losing again and I WILL reach my goal!

You see, anyone can lose weight, however, no one can lose weight without persistence, consistency, discipline, and…


That has always been tough to find. I am happy to share, though, not unattainable! I have found several awesome tools that aid in my flab fighting and healthier living strategy. One of them is, Alli.

Fight the Holiday Fat and Start the New Year Off with a Flab Fighting Bang!

Alli is a GREAT resource website that helps you to not only keep track of calories, weightloss, and diet; it also has tools that help you along the way. combines three core elements for the weight conscious before, during, and after the holiday season: diet, physical activity and motivation in an easy-to-use interface.

It helps track goals and prepare for long-term success with features including:

–    Follow-along fitness videos; from cross training to yoga / pilates
–    Healthy (reduced calorie, low-fat) daily meal suggestions and recipes
–    Custom calorie and activity tracking
–    Community and social features and forums
–    Smart phone accessibility
–    Expert tips and tricks

I love it. Honestly, losing weight is VERY hard and requires a ton of discipline. The good news is: if you have support, you are already on the right track for success in losing unwanted pounds, and maintaining a healthier lifestyle. Alli, is a support system that is available to you 24/7.

I love the way the website is set up as well. It is very easy to navigate and you can even use social media (Facebook and Twitter) with it. I love the calendar, journal, goal setting, and reminders of what you need to do that day. It is an AWESOME–Free–resource that I highly recommend.

I want to encourage you, if you are trying to lose weight, want to maintain your weight, or just want to be healthy; to try utilizing the tools at You will be very glad that you did! I would love to hear your thoughts about the resources and tools there as well.

I have included a few screenshots to show you how fabulous Alli is below:

This is of the main page. You can see everything you need in one place: what you need to do that day, your calories, goals, etc.

Alli - Let's Fight the Fat

Alli – Main Account Page

This is the calendar/schedule. It shows you what you need to do each day. The coolest part, though, is that if you click on the activity, for many of them, they show you HOW to do it. They do not just leave you in the lurch.

Alli - Let's Fight the Fat

Your Daily Schedule for Healthy Living!

Finally, I want to share the yummy part. They also give you daily recipes that look simply scrumptious!

Alli - Let's Fight the Fat

Daily Meals and Recipes

Disclaimer: I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for alli. However, all opinions are my own and based on my honest feelings about the resource. I received a promotional item as a thank-you for participating.


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