From Glory to Glory: Preparing My Heart for Father’s Day
It’s almost Father’s Day. Chad’s been a father four years now, but I can’t remember a single thing I’ve done on a father’s day to celebrate him. Which is sad. Considering every Mother’s Day we do something entirely female and my choice, like shopping and Starbucks and breakfast places that smell like lattes and cinnamon.…
Keep Reading...Stormy Seas: A Smooth Sea Never Made a Skilled Sailor
I recently spent a glorious day on an island with my family. It was too cold and windy to swim or sunbathe but we enjoyed the scenery, good food and of course, the shopping. One of my favorite stores is full of wood plaques of all sizes painted with lovely, and sometimes funny, little sayings.…
Keep Reading...God is Working Behind the Scenes
If we were the writer and director of our own life, plot lines would often develop much differently. In actuality, our expectations frequently remain unrealized, our plans are hindered and our dreams never seem to come true. Whether in big or small ways, general realities or specific incidences, it is easy to become frustrated with…
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