Holy Boldness Batman!!
“You’re too little to be in school!” “Hey SHORTIE!” “Angie, why don’t you stand up? Oh, YOU ARE!” “Babies can’t go to school!” “Why are you so small?” Here’s a good one: “ANTgie! ANTgie! You’re not taller than an ANT!gie!” “Should we step on her?” Those are just a few of the many jeers I…
Keep Reading...Friday’s Fantastic 5 {favorite candies}
Hello all! :) Another week of Friday’s Fantastic 5! Since Halloween and other fall festival type things will be going on this weekend, I thought what better top 5 than one that deals with the inner kid in all of us…CANDY! LOL! I would LOVE for you to participate in this new MOF meme! OK,…
Keep Reading...Friday’s Fantastic 5 {intro}
I have been racking my brain for months trying to figure out a meme we can do here at Moms of Faith on a weekly basis. I want a way we can interact, get to know each other, fellowship and connect other MOF blogs and readers in a fun way. So, Moms of Faith Friday’s…
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