30 Ideas to have Fun for Free with your Kids
Some of the best things in life are free! Being a mother has made me painfully aware of how expensive it is to raise a child. I have one daughter and the amount of money I have spent on ballet, French lessons, art classes, books, plays, and a host of toys is unbelievable! I enjoy…
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When I am afraid I will trust in you.- Psalms 56:3 My four year old daughter’s favorite Bible story is David and Goliath. I can see the excitement in her eyes as I read the ending when David conquers the mighty Goliath. She always says that David won because God was on his side and…
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1. Stacks of books, mail and papers are lying around your house 2. The counter tops are piled with dirty dishes 3. You’re wearing an outfit from High School because the laundry hasn’t been done 4. Your children aren’t wearing much at all? 5. You haven’t talked to your close friends in over a week…
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