Atkins Advantage Shakes

I recently took off 45 pounds. Part of my diet plan was following low carb guidelines. The most important thing for me when trying to lose/maintain weight is that I am enjoying what I eat. I cannot do any type of diet plan that makes me miserable. It only leads to failure for me. After…

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iMapMyRun App for Iphone

I am like many moms out there. I had kids and gained more weight than I had planned to. Add in metabolism changes, age and a busy life and I became fat. I remained fat for a few years. Finally, I got sick and tired of how I felt, looked and shopping plus sizes. I…

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Candies Eye Wear

I have worn glasses since I was in third grade. Sadly, my parents did not care about how I felt about the style of the glasses they purchased for me, so I was never happy with them. As soon as I was able, I purchased contact lenses. Fast forward to discovering that my oldest daughter…

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