Health & Beauty
Swimsuit Tips That Flatter Your Body Type
I can feel it and almost taste it…the warmth of summer and a cold iced tea cooling me down. The breeze from the ocean is softly kissing on my face as I sit on the beach feeling my body soak up the warmth. Gone are the days when you can only wear a tank top…
Keep Reading...Avoid Arthritis Flareups by Avoiding Certain Foods
Some research has shown that the foods we eat affect arthritis flare ups. While it is always recommended that you see a doctor, avoiding the following foods could be a healthier choice whether arthritis is a concern or not. Eating healthy should be something we do as part of a continual lifestyle. However, if what…
Keep Reading...Fighting the PMS Monster!
There is nothing worse than being a woman going through PMS…or being WITH a woman going through PMS! LOL!!! PMS affects 80 to 90 percent of menstruating women. It is more than just the humorous “mood swing” joked about. PMS has serious symptoms including headaches, back pain, swollen and tender breasts, increased anxiety, bloating, acne…
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