Tuesdays Mommy Tip – Creative Ways to Get Kids Eating Healthy

Do you have a great tip for Moms? They can be about anything (family friendly, of course) that pertains to a Mom’s life, including; beauty, kitchen, health, parenting, and so much more! Click Here to find out how YOU can join Moms of Faith’s Tuesday’s Mommy Tips! NOTE: PLEASE read the rules. We have a…

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Blueberries may be small, but health benefits are HUGE!

Blueberries are adorable and delicious little fruits that have a LOT more to offer than flavor. These round little delights also pack a powerful nutritional punch! Read on for some interesting facts about blueberries and health benefits. Oh, and a couple yummy recipes too! Note: For the MOST power in your blueberry, go for the…

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Healthy Snacks for School Lunches

Here are some cool healthy snacks for your kids school lunches. These healthy snacks will have the other kids at lunch wishing their Mom was as creative as you! We do not need to give our kids junk to make them look cool. They can be healthy and cool! :) These are also great for…

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