Posts Tagged ‘Faith and Business 101’
Does God Want You to Work?
Let me begin by saying that I’m so excited about getting to contribute to the Faith and Business 101 column! Right now I’m a work at home mom with multiple streams of legitimate income that greatly help our family out each month. I wasn’t always like this though-in fact just a few years ago I didn’t have…
Keep Reading...Moms of Faith is going to Blissdom 11!
I am very excited that God has allowed me the opportunity to go to Blissdom this year. For those of you who do not know what the heck I am talking about, simply put, it is a blogging/social media conference to help attendees learn more about their craft, obtain contacts and grow their niche. I…
Keep Reading...Can you or Can’t you Work at Home?
Ah! The dream job of working at home in your pajamas jeans and t-shirt; there’s no life like it. There’s not much of a commute between your bedroom and home office. This is the life to live with no boss interrupting you on a daily basis or worse…peering over your shoulder. Yes! Working at home…
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