Thanksgiving Fun Facts

Thanksgiving is celebrated in the US on Thursday, November 24, 2011 and it’s a bigger celebration (not so much of the holiday itself, but what happens after Thanksgiving Day) than our Canadian neighbors who celebrate their Thanksgiving on Monday, October 10, 2011. Although the dates change for both countries each year, one way to remember…

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Home Decorating Ideas Using Pumpkins and More

In some places, fall is in the air which means it’s time to make our homes cozier. You don’t have to spend a lot of money and there are some fun decorating projects you can start working on. Start thinking of the warm fall colors and tones of reds, oranges, yellows, gold, greens, and browns…

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Appreciate the Beauty of Fall

I can’t believe we’re already bidding adieu to summer and welcoming autumn back. I must admit I’m excited for fall! I love the coziness of the season, the fall foliage, pumpkin picking, hayrides, and pumpkin lattes! I’m so excited that I’ve already did my fall decorating. We did it the first week my daughter went…

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