Atkins Advantage Shakes

I recently took off 45 pounds. Part of my diet plan was following low carb guidelines. The most important thing for me when trying to lose/maintain weight is that I am enjoying what I eat. I cannot do any type of diet plan that makes me miserable. It only leads to failure for me. After…

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iMapMyRun App for Iphone

I am like many moms out there. I had kids and gained more weight than I had planned to. Add in metabolism changes, age and a busy life and I became fat. I remained fat for a few years. Finally, I got sick and tired of how I felt, looked and shopping plus sizes. I…

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5 Tips to Keep the Flab at Bay During The Holidays

It’s easy to overindulge during the holiday season, but you can control your weight and still enjoy the foods you love most during this time. The key is to plan and think ahead. Follow these 5 tips during the holidays to avoid overindulging and putting on the unwanted pounds. 1. Water is essential in controlling…

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