Posts Tagged ‘Inspirational’
Get Cozy with God – Create a Special Intimate Time and Place
“But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your father, who is unseen. Then your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.” – Matthew 6:6-7 My five year old loves getting cozy. Nothing beats us in our pajamas, under our favorite quilt cuddling and reading…
Keep Reading...Appreciate The Season Your In
I can’t believe summer is almost over, but I’m excited for the arrival of autumn and the coziness it brings. Seasons come and go so quickly don’t they? Just like the seasons in our life. Sometimes the seasons are pleasant and sometimes they are cold and harsh leaving us running for refuge. No matter what…
Keep Reading...Pursue Your Life With Courage
Life is short even when it’s long. I’m thirty-nine years old and truthfully I feel younger than I did in my twenties. However, when I look in the mirror I’m reminded by a few gray strands of hair that I’m no spring chicken. I embrace my years and look forward to growing older, but, I…
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