Get Prepared and Spend Quality Time With Your Family

Once upon a time four years ago pre mommy-hood I had more hours in the day than I needed. Rarely was I stressed about grocery shopping, laundry, or errands in general. Life was carefree and many evenings were spent browsing bookstores, attending art events, and enjoying the city I lived in. Much has changed in…

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Fellowship is Vital For All Ages

The previous winter storm had me confined to my home for a week, although I had a great time drinking hot chocolate and creating cozy memories with Anya, there was one thing that I dearly missed and that was fellowship with members of the church I attend. Fellowship is an integral part of a Christian’s…

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Incorporate Bible Study Into Your Family’s Daily Life

This past Thursday evening I attended Bible study. I discovered attending bible study in mid week recharges me spiritually and I thoroughly enjoy having fellowship with my Christian brothers and sisters. In class there was a young man in his twenties, when he spoke I felt immediately that he grew up in a family that…

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