Celebrating in Separation

When you’re living life as a military spouse it means that there will most likely come a time when you will have to be apart from your hubby for special occasions. I just celebrated my 6th anniversary thousands of miles away from my husband. He’ll also miss out on both his and my birthday in…

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Faith and Business 101: When You Don’t See A Paycheck

As I’ve mentioned in previous articles, the thing about working from home is….it’s work! Another thing about it is that there might be a time, or two, or three, where you’re pouring yourself, your time, and your energy into your job and you have no idea if it’s going to pay out or not. This…

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Faith and Business 101: Work for Where You Live

When you decide to join the work from home world location and your lifestyle are extremely important things to consider. What will work, and what will not work, will be greatly influenced by the lifestyle that you live. Even if you have a talent in a certain field if you do not live somewhere that…

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