30 Ideas to have Fun for Free with your Kids

Some of the best things in life are free! Being a mother has made me painfully aware of how expensive it is to raise a child. I have one daughter and the amount of money I have spent on ballet, French lessons, art classes, books, plays, and a host of toys is unbelievable! I enjoy…

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Helping Our Children Face Their Goliaths

When I am afraid I will trust in you.- Psalms 56:3 My four year old daughter’s favorite Bible story is David and Goliath. I can see the excitement in her eyes as I read the ending when David conquers the mighty Goliath. She always says that David won because God was on his side and…

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Enjoy the Open Road

One of my favorite past times when I was single was taking road trips. There was nothing like driving down an open road on a warm summer day with the windows down and the tunes playing. Now that I have a permanent passenger beside myself road trips are even more enjoyable. Road trips are a…

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