Believe With Your Heart

Faith. A simple word, but it makes such an impact on so many lives. Especially ours. Each day is an act of faith. Each decision I make, is made on the faith that God will keep His promise. The fact that I still have three children is because of faith in a promise made by…

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Walk on Walls?

Sometimes, I just have to wonder where he comes up with this stuff!  After school, Levi has his own bit of a routine.  The first item on his agenda after coming off the bus is when we normally catch all the latest headlines for the day.  Now, if I share this with y’all, please don’t let Levi…

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Faith and Business 101: Setting Your Focus

I recently was watching a Christian marriage comedian who was talking about the differences in men and women’s brains. He said that men have single boxes and in each box is a single topic or thought. The boxes don’t touch, and they’re only accessed one at a time. He then went on to say that…

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