Posts Tagged ‘Fun’
Lizard Attack!
I found this one today…It was originally shared on Moms of Faith forums, then my blog…I never posted it on site, so I thought I would share…. This a true story of an encounter I had with a neighborhood lizard. My oldest daughter loves animals…all animals(with the exception of spiders, roaches, and bees). She’s wanted…
Keep Reading...Savvy Cents
Recently, I was asked to review a product called, Savvy Cents. It is a wallet to help you be more frugal minded. To be honest, when I first read her email and looked over her site, I did not think much of it…I mean I am very picky when it comes to my wallet and…
Keep Reading...30 Ideas to have Fun for Free with your Kids
Some of the best things in life are free! Being a mother has made me painfully aware of how expensive it is to raise a child. I have one daughter and the amount of money I have spent on ballet, French lessons, art classes, books, plays, and a host of toys is unbelievable! I enjoy…
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